Getting Through A Divorce For Men - 3 Tips To Handle Anxiety

There isn't much help out there to assist men getting through a divorce. With the negative stigma society places on men for showing their emotions, we tend to try to figure out things on our own. This can be a long and painful process. Many times we are alone in sorting out our own feelings and can have a difficult time understanding them.

One major emotion that can hinder getting through a divorce for men is anxiety. Anxiety can hit us hard because of the uncertainty of the outcome of our separation or divorce. Anxiety and worry go hand in hand and the uncertainty of our social, financial and family driven values future become a concern.

Looking back, I can recall three activities that greatly enhanced my recovery and ability to handle everything that came my way, including the anxiety of getting through a divorce. For men, it's not easy to think or even think that others are thinking we may be weak because of these emotions. But it is necessary to overcome these fears in order to achieve the recovery you want and need.


Not all men will embrace the idea of meditation, but those that do can have a new, refreshed way of looking at life again. It takes practice to meditate and you can build up your ability to enhance the benefits over time.

Even if you only have five minutes, do it. Find a quiet place, close your eyes and breath. I usually count to 8 inhaling through my nose followed by exhaling through my mouth while also counting to 8. I count to keep my mind from wandering elsewhere. Being careful not to hyperventilate, repeat this process and simply clear your mind and relax.You will be amazed at how simple, yet how beneficial it will be.

Using meditation to treat anxiety will open the door for you to see all of the possibilities and different areas in life you can apply the practice. Combined with breathing techniques, it will facilitate your ability to handle a tremendous amount of stress and pressure.

Light Exercise

I began with enjoying the benefits of light exercise right from the beginning of my divorce. Completely by accident, I found a break away from everything that seemed to crowed my thoughts. Taking small walks showed me how to take time for myself. Even a little bit of exercise is going to do you a world of good. These short walks gave me a chance to sort out all the thoughts that boggled up my head during the day.

Leave the cell phone off, put in some ear buds and walk. This will not only help you clear your head, it's an outlet for that physical anxiousness you may feel. The kind that would keep me pacing across the living room floor for hours.

Even better, take up a yoga class. It simply gets you out of the house and around other people, it's a low impact workout with a tremendous amount of qualities and it accompanies meditation well for a process of recovery for the mind and body.

Selfish Time

If there is one thing I have learned from getting through a divorce is all work and no play will make you lonely as hell. Find something you can do for yourself and start now! If you are anything like me, you have a whole lot of free time, now that you are on your own. One of the best things you can do with that time right now is to focus on you. Find a hobby that can take your mind off of what is going on and allows you to relax. It may take some time to find it, but keep looking. Sometimes the journey can be more fun than the destination. Just make sure it is yours and not for someone else. Otherwise it won't be beneficial and feel fake.

Taking time to yourself is essential. For stressful situations like getting through a divorce, these suggestions can give you a needed interest and outlet for the anxiousness you may feel.

Getting through a divorce for men is a continuous struggle that none of us should face alone. It took me a while to figure it out, but there is a lot of us out there. Find an interest that can see you through the difficult times. Visit here for ideas to enjoy life again.

Or visit my blog for thoughts on reliving.

Original article

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