Are You Desperately Trying to Stop a Divorce? Learn How to Here

Stop Divorce Now: Understand This One Thing...

Most importantly, it's very important for you to understand that as much as you wish you can, you don't have any say to how your spouse feels or their desires. The more you try to convince your spouse that your marriage can be save, the more you are basically trying to tell them how to feel-- this will only push your spouse even further away. As much as you wish you can, you can't control your partner's feelings.

Since I can't convince them to make our marriage work, what can I do to stop my divorce now?

Stop Divorce Now: Be Exposed With Your Emotions

If you want to stop divorce dead in it's tracks, you need to be vulnerable and be genuine about your feelings. You may have already pleaded and begged your spouse to help you make your marriage work, but that won't help at all. The more you beg or plead for something, the more unattractive it is and will more likely go in the opposite direction from what you want.

Sit down with your partner and talk about how you feel. Use "I" statements instead of "You" or "We" statements. When you use "I" statements, you're basically talking about your feelings, and that is something your partner can't argue about or ignore. By laying your cards (your feelings) out on the table and being completely exposed with your emotions, you are more likely to help sway your partner into reconsidering a divorce.

Stop Divorce Now: A Different Approach to Saving Your Marriage

If you want to stop your divorce now, you'll need to change the strategy your using to making your marriage work. This means, instead of resorting back to your old ways, you will need to change it up if you want to see any chances of saving your marriage. Go out on dates with your spouse, connect with your spouse in a more satisfying way by deepening how you both relate to each other.

Let go of past hurts and aspire towards better and more positive interactions. You will need to change how you communicate with your spouse because the old form of communication between you two only made matters worse.

What if you just can't get the love back in your marriage? I know how hard it can be to try and make your spouse understand just how special your love is, but if you want to really make your marriage sing again, you'll need to change everything you've been doing up to this point.

If you're open to finding a new way to saving your marriage, please check out Save My Marriage Now. Don't give up hope, it's NOT impossible. If you want to stop your divorce now, you must read How to Save Your Marriage to get a better perspective on saving a marriage in trouble.

Mika Maddela has been helping men and women connect in a deeper and more satisfying way. She specializes in improving personal self-development as well as cultivating a lasting and rewarding relationship. Mika is also an avid traveler and lover of all kinds of food. She enjoys drawing and finding beauty in all things simple.

Original article

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