It's been said that the three toughest things to deal with in life are death, divorce and the loss of a job. E. James Marsh, the author of "Divorce for Men: 9 Secrets A Man Needs To Know To Survive A Divorce" has lived long enough to tell you he won't argue with any of that--he has experienced all three.
But it took his own divorce and those of many friends to see that some light needed to be shed on divorce and a man's life. While there are hundreds of books out there by noted lawyers, psychologists, educators, gurus, Marsh found few offer some simple golden nuggets to help you get through this painful period when you face the daunting task of "un-coupling."
As liberated as this world is now, Marsh contends that men still get screwed more often than women. He says our justice system is way behind the times. And divorcing wives (and their attorneys) use this well-known fact to their advantage time and again. Whether it involves children, division of assets or anything in between, divorcing husbands are almost always on the short end of the stick.
So just what is a guy to do?
Marsh says you need some very good advice. That is why he wrote "9 Secrets a Man Needs To Know To Survive a Divorce."
In it, you will find some proven (and personally tested) thoughts simple yet sometimes so easy to ignore because of the pain and drama you're dealing with. He found that by following these 9 secrets laid out in the book from the very start, he was able to get through his divorce with integrity and health still intact.
For example, in the first secret Marsh discusses the need to see an attorney as soon as possible. While you may hold out for hope of saving your marriage, your wife may see things differently. Discussing your options with a domestic relations lawyer will help you sort out fact from emotional drama and your mood swings.
Secret number two was the author's own God-send. He found that by adding a workout during high stress times (read: divorce) is essential to help you feel better both physically and emotionally about yourself. If he was to pin just one thing on his initial salvation from separating and divorcing his wife, Marsh said it would be going to the gym 5 - 6 times a week without exception. He lost 15 pounds in the process and regained energy he thought was long gone from his middle-aged body.
In secret number five, the author talks about a challenge most men readily admit to hating. Does "can we talk?" make your skin crawl? It sure did his. After all, who wants to admit to your family or close friends your wife has cheated on you, or you're getting divorced? Both cases applied to Marsh and his parents had been married only once and to each other for 58 years! Yet by talking openly with his closest friends and family members he felt as if a boulder had been lifted off his shoulders. He no longer felt alone and everyone feels alone when going through a divorce. It is a by-product of the process.
It is difficult to be philosophical about divorce when you have just separated. The pain, confusion and anger can be overwhelming and something you would not wish on your worst enemy summarizes Marsh. Will sleepless nights, chronic fatigue and anxiety ever end?
In ""Divorce for Men: 9 Secrets A Man Needs To Know To Survive A Divorce," E. James Marsh tells you that things can and will get better for you.
You're divorcing your wife. Whatever the reason, it is painful. But you must gather your senses enough to make sure you not only follow but practice 9 proven secrets.
That is, if you want to live a better life when your decree is signed.
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