What Happens Without an Effective Parenting Plan?

Separated parents with children must agree to a parenting plan that outlines how they will provide parenting that reflects the best interests of their children. Parenting plans allocate each person's responsibilities, establish a custody schedule and include details about child support. Without an effective plan, a hard situation can become much harder.

While there are good and poor parenting plans, there are many things you can do to ensure that you and the other parent can start this new phase in your lives with the most effective approach possible. With an effective parenting plan in place for everyone to follow, you'll have the best chance of success in raising healthy, well-adjusted children.

Take the time to work out as many details as you can concerning how you and the other parent will provide for and support your children in their journey toward adulthood. While you likely have feelings of pain and hurt when dealing with the other parent, you must put that aside to create a stable and loving environment that allows your children quality time with each of you.

Here are just a few of the pitfalls that may result from a poor parenting plan:
- Your or the other parent are never clear on where the children will be each day
- You or the other parent are often late for pick-ups and drop-offs
- Transitions between homes become tense and tantrum-filled
- Plans are frequently changed, cancelled or postponed
- Children miss out on recreational time with friends or extended family
- Developmentally appropriate activities, like music or sports, are delayed or missed
- Children exhibit signs of increased stress and anxiety
- Vacations and holidays are confusing and unclear
- Children don't get adequate medical care, such as forgetting to take medication
- Routine medical care, such as doctor appointments, is delayed
- Feelings of frustration, anger and depression affect both parents or children
- Performance in school may drop due to stress, fatigue or confusion
- Resentment of parents increases because children feel they are in the middle of power struggles

These are only a few of the reasons why open and honest communication about parenting strategies while separated is critical to the health and wellness of your children. Parenting is difficult enough without including the tremendous stress and emotion wrapped up in divorce.

Many parents find that custody software helps them sort through the most overwhelming issues and lets them proceed logically and clearly. Custody X Change software provides you with a range of parenting plan templates. The software even allows you to print them out, as well as a color coded custody schedule.

An effective parenting plan is so important because it enables you both as separated parents to do your best in instructing, encouraging and guiding your children to do everything they need to in order to become successful adults. When you can agree on custody arrangements, there are likely to be fewer modifications to the plan, resulting in a more stable environment for your children to grow and thrive.

Custody X Change is custody software that provides a wide range of parenting plan templates for those who need to create an effective parenting plan. The software makes it easy for parents to explore different plan ideas and to create successful parenting plans that are age appropriate and meet their children's developmental needs.

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