When you swapped vows in front of the altar, likely the last thing you thought you'd be doing at this point in your marriage is trying to find ways for making up in a marriage, yet that is exactly where you are at. You may find some comfort in knowing that almost every marriage has its struggles, and while some ultimately do fall apart, many couples do find a way to reconnect once again.
Serious Issues
Many couples do have some fairly serious issues that they will need to work out. Whether you are trying to find ways for making up in a marriage where infidelity came into play, get past the stresses that come with financial woes, or even just find ways for getting your ex back altogether, you may find that therapy can help. If your spouse or ex will not join you, you can absolutely talk to a specialist on your own. Your specialist can help you cope with your own feelings, and he or she can help you to work on strategies for communicating with your spouse or ex, too.
Minor Gripes
Minor gripes and complaints can really add up over time. Things like your spouse leaving dirty clothes on the floor or constantly needing to control the remote can really weigh on your nerves over time. Chances are that however many gripes and minor complaints you have, your spouse likely has a similar number of complaints about you. It does take a lot of give and take to live with someone, and whether you've been married for six months or sixty years, the gripes and complaints will go on. If you don't want to find ways for making up in a marriage, you will want to talk to your spouse about these little gripes that seem to be mounting before you two reach a tipping point. Sometimes, voicing your concerns and listening to the issues your spouse has about you can help you both either understand what's going on or make adjustments.
Give Space
The fact is that you both entered into the marriage with the intent to stay together forever, and while that unfortunately doesn't always happen, you should know that your spouse likely wants to get things back on track as much as you do. Sometimes, however, making up in a marriage does indeed involve creating some space between the two of you so that you can calm down and have time to think away from the emotions of your fighting. If you do want to mend your marriage and don't want to be getting your ex back in a few weeks, you do want to give your partner space even if you really want to hash things out right now.
Shake Things Up
If your marriage is having issues not because of serious issues like financial woes, infidelity, or other such things and you also are not being burdened by constant bickering, it may indeed be having issues because of a lack of intimacy. In this case,making up in a marriage involves shaking things up a bit. You will want to make an effort to plan a few fun or romantic outings with your spouse so the two of you can reconnect, and be sure that your reconnection carries over into the bedroom, too. Getting your ex back is no fun, and the fact is that by taking some simple measures to keep your relationship fun, active, and intimate are great ways to prevent a breakup from happening in the first place.
The Right Approach
Every marriage will be at a different stage and will have different issues with it. Making up in a marriage for some may mean therapy while for others it may simply mean a romantic night on the town is in order. Once you make the right decision and have a good approach for mending your marriage, you will find that you no longer have to worry about getting your ex back in the future because your marriage will once again be on solid ground.
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